Celebrating down-time
Just finished catching up on my emails. I subscribe to DailyOm http://www.dailyom.com . You should check it out. Very inspiring. The particular article that I liked talks about celebrating life. Just being happy that you are alive and get to spend another day with people you care about or doing work you love. We're always preoccupied with certain dates when big events or exciting things are happening. Every day should be a cause for celebration. Alot of yoga practioners hope to achieve a state of bliss. I read this article in yoga journal that made alot of sense to me. It talks about how anyone can achieve this for brief periods. Let me give you an example of how I achieved this. I like to drive. Especially when there is little traffic and the sky is blue, the sun is shining and there are little puffy clouds in the sky. Can you picture this in your head? I have a cd with a totally awesome song on and I just feel..hmm..Filled with joy, content, elated, blissfully happy to be alive. It's a feeling of excitement over just being present in that particular moment. Why? Because I stopped, and looked around. Forgot about the list of things going on in my head. I let my brain take a break. (Oh jeez, she's going all yogi on us). I start my students out in class like this. Leave your lists/worries/cares/concerns outside the door and just be present on your mat. Let it go. Three words, greatest advice ever. Have I achieved this in my everyday life? Not yet, but, yoga is a practice. Ok so, a little knitting info.. Back on track with baby blanket that was previously ripped out. However, that being said, I keep gaining stitches. I have to count every other row. This could take awhile. Next baby blanket might be out of Last Minute Gifts. Simple garter stitch panels sewn together.
So here is pic of last trip to LYS plus Debbie Bliss from ebay. In the back is a cute pattern I picked up for a baby blanket. The aqua and green cascade 220 I may make another triangle, not sure yet. The lighter green and brown are for 2 caps. The Knitting to go is a cool box of patterns printed on laminated cards that you can take with you instead of dragging a large pattern. One last things. PLease send out good thoughts and prayers to my grammy. She's in the hospital. Thanks.
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