Oh summer, how I love it. I have been spending about an hour a day (at least) outside blissfully lost in my gardening. So I wanted to share some pics. One of my favorite annuals are portulaca. This one started from 6 teeny tiny runts that I bought mother's day and kept them in my sunroom. I planted them and after 2 weeks I thought they were done. NOW look at them. My driveway gets full sun and lots of heat. I also deadhead them everyday.
They are so pretty!! I have been told by my mother that my great-grandmother had a knack for growing these. I guess it was passed on!!!
This pic of the front shows the enormous rhododendrums that I injured myself pruning. These are only 2 there are 6 more. My planters are growing nicely and the petunia baskets are gorgeous. They smell really pretty.
OK, so you know Bambi? This is what bambie and Co. do to tomatoe plants. Munch, munch, munch. They also like roses, moonflowers, green peppers, and sometimes Hostas. My poor hubby. He's the veggie gardener. Note how they left the tomatoe, mighty kind of them. Deer are lovely to look at, but they do damage. They ruined our azalea bushes.
These flowers are perennials and the deer are not fond of them, or the orange ones in the backround. It's all about deer resistant plants here... Now, for something completely different.... some actual knitting content!!!!! Spoil alert!!!! Master gardnener if your reading, stop..... OK ........Gift for baby Keona.........This is the project I have been working on for the next baby due in Sept. I used debbie bliss baby cashmerino and one of her patterns. Hat is supposed to have stalk on it, but I'm not sure yet if I want to add it.... Anybody care to voice an opinion???
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