Oy. What a week it has been. Vacation is coming soon. I can't wait. Being a pharmacist is such a thankless job. I have been doing this for a long time now. I have to say in the past 8 years customers have become outrageous. Someone needs to do a tv reality show called, "customers behaving badly." It is my belief that I get treated poorly partially because I am of the female persuasion. How can I, a female, be a pharmacist? I'm serious here. I also get talked to like I'm a piece of dirt on the bottom of someone's shoe. What do I know? I just went to school for this. Worked my butt of for this. Lost hundreds of hours of sleep studying for this. Had to take not 1 but 2 (that's right 2) licensure exams to practice pharmacy. So two very hard, very long tests. We get no credit. I get it, we're not doctors. Great I don't claim to be. I claim only to do my job. What's that you ask. Dump some pills in a vial? (in the words of Bugsbunny- hey this blog is called Happiknits) O contrair mofrair. There's alot going on behind that pharmacy bench. I won't bore you with the details. But I take my job very seriously. Kitty, takes my job very seriously. I will say this and no more. Be nice to your pharmacist. They work very hard. They have to multitask. They are under alot of pressure. They get treated like dirt. They become a pharmacist to help people. The corperation they work for is after the cash, not them, they just work there. They don't get a lunch break. They work 12-14 hour shifts without a break. They stand most of that shift. Some of them are so busy they are lucky to get a bathroom break, let alone shove a sandwich down their throat inbetween scripts. Because your child's amoxil rx is more important to them then taking time out for the basic needs for humans (food and bathroom breaks). So just remember that the next time you get pissed at the pharmacist because your copay is higher than it was the last time. jeesh. Too heavy of a post? sorry, had to vent it.
This is from my wedding day. Getting ready for the ceremony. I'm smiling at my hubby. This was a beautiful day, the best. I did all my own makeup and applied the bindhi's myself. We had a hindhu wedding ceremony. Included in this ceremony is 7 steps around fire (saptapadi). This symbolizes the beginning of our journey through life together, each step represents one of the seven oaths of marriage and invokes the blessings of the Lord. I think it's so meaningful and special. I will share the meanings of each step. Step one: enough food, step two: our physical well-being, third: material prosperity, fourth: our happiness, fifth: growth of our family, sixth: raise our children to be strong and virtuous and seventh: our eternal friendship, co-operation and love for each other. The Hindu ceremony carries so much spiritual significance. I feel so lucky to have had such a beautiful ceremony to marry and celebrate my true love.
OK have figured out what was wrong with camera. I just needed to take some pics. So here we go..... I knitted myself another triangle for the spring, and I must say it came out BeaUtiful... have a looksee.. I love this color combo. Still isn't felted as much as the pattern photo, but I couldn't felt it anymore. I think the problem is my washer is a calypso, less agitation, keeps clothes new, longer. Not good for felting. I also hand felted this in a pot for about a half hour. This may have contributed to wrist injury.
I also took pic upclose of all the stitching I did by hand. I'm starting to not hate all this hand stitching stuff anymore. I guess the more practice, the better I get. Also, check out these cute little gifts. I figured, hostess gifts (because I always bring the hostess something) or gifs for my sisters for easter.
They are brooches. Cute, right???? I dipped into the antique button bin. This as I have told you before is not so easy for me to do. I put them in mini chinese containers with easter grass. Move over Martha Stewart, here I come....I could have been her next apprentice. Also, you know who stopped in during the photo session to help set the picture up...Cats like to help!!!!
I have been knitting so much preparing for yesterday's craft fair. It was horrible. I split the table with my stepfather who is into the photog thing. He made $20.00 above the table expense. I sold 1 hat and did not even cover the expense of the table. Personally, I don't have time for that. I don't want to waste my hard-earned money on that. I have reached a conclusion about craft fairs. You know who makes cash? The people who paint wood. The booth next to mine consistently sold stuff, painted wood stuff. Does she paint all that wood herself? Does she paint on each indivigual blush and eyeball on the rabbits? Or does she order it from china wholesale? Also the woman behind me (who was very nice) was selling dog bandanas. Making a killing on these things. I tell you, people do not appreciate a quality knit product. I had a woman look at a baby hat, how much? she asks, response- $5.00. she walks away. FIVE DOLLARS is TOO MUCH TO PAY FOR a ONE OF A KIND HAT?????????? Um, thanks but no thanks (oh, ps, this craft fair was in a neighborood where the average price of a house is from 700,000 to 900,000 bucks). I think I will stick to making gifts for people and knitting for myself. I appreciate it, they appreciate it. Everyone is happy. As far as the injury, my wrist is done. Even typing this hurts. I have a big swollen wrist. Either too much knitting or, I hurt it at the gym. Yes, I'm still going to the gym (3 times thus far this week). I have not stepped foot in LWExpress in 2 weeks, only because I'm paying them. Ha, ha.
OK I promised I would post today. I am feeling, not so good. I will not say why. I am not a happy knitter today. I am a sad knitter. I think the knitting and yoga are what is keeping me sane at this point in time. So let us return to a happier time, shall we? Good let's go back...... Toasty. On the way back in the car from seeing Depeche Mode in concert. Sweaty and mussed up from dancing around the top of the stadium for hours. We had decent seats, however, everyone was around the top of the stadium in nose bleed section dancing and having so much fun.... Well we gave up the seats and joined them. This was pre-college, I was oblivious to everything except this particular moment in time. I had no cash. I definetly was NOT thinking about that when this was taken. Look at the big smile. HEHE. twenty-something having fun. Let me rephrase, blonde twenty-something having fun. Don't get me wrong I still have fun, wouldn't trade my life for anything, but there are moments like this.. They capture the time of youth. They capture unadulterated, uncaring, screw the consequences, FUN. yeah, that.
I have been missing. Oh yeah. Gearing up for a craft fair in 2 weeks. We'll see how it goes. I was looking through the small amount of stuff left over from november's show and realized, most of my scarfs are heavy duty winter. Yeah that's not going to sell. I have also been sticking to the workout schedule, so less time to be in front of the old computer. And, can't get the camera to work with the disk reader. Ugh. No pics. I am currently working on a felted bag. I also learned to do a lazy daisy embroider stitch (thanks Janet). I put a row of them on a felted bag, so cute. I will take a pic asap. I promise I'll try to post more this week. Including spt. Yoga class has been going really good. Friday night hubby and I drove out to pennsie for a class with my old teacher. It is also so nice to be the student again. I really needed to be babied. I loved every minute of it. She had a full house. I'm so happy for her. Check out the studio @ http://theprancingpeacock.com . I think it's so wonderful when your dream becomes a reality. Ok, so since it is Sunday I will leave you with my music discussion of the day. Anyone remember the band WireTrain? Buzz Buzz, Buzz, Buzz in the ear drum has been playing in my head all day. I have no idea how it got their. I still have the tape. Remember tapes????? I have a butt load of them all from the eighties and nineties. I think I will take some pics for next sunday. Oh they also sung that song "No Pretties" I loved (LOVED) that song.
phew a whole week since I blogged! I have been busy. Here's my new workout schedule: monday- 1/2 hr at ladies workout express, then 1/2 hour cardio and 1 hour yoga (teaching), tues- 1/2 hr to 45 mins at LWE, wed- 1/2 hr LWE, 1/2 hr cardio and 1 hour yoga(teaching), thur-off, fri- 1/2hr to 45 mins LWE, sat-1/2-45min cardio, sun 1/2 to 45 mins cardio. Think I'll lose any weight? Well we'll see. It seems that the ladies at LWE seem to fell I was originally weighed in wrong. I'll give it another month to see if anything is happening.So Today being Sunday it's music day. Currently I find myself listening to a wider variety of music than I used to. I love my xm radio. I like Fred, boneyard,lucy, classic rock channel, the 70's channel and Audio Visions. I personally think satellite radio is the greatest thing since sliced bread (haha). I haven't purchased any cds lately (aside from yoga music-which is also very cool). I seem to have issues with alot of the new alternative rock bands. They all sound the same and they suck. I mean, I don't get excited about new bands like I used to. Case in point, Type O negative, the first time I heard Peter's voice all of the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Holy moley what a voice. Kind of like Peter Murphy, mmm I love his voice too. Very goth. Something about a man with a deep voice like that. Anyhew. Alot of one-hit wonder bands out there right now. You know, being the reality tv junky that I am, I watched INXS. I liked Marty Casey. I've heard his song on the radio. I also loved the version of Nirvana, done by the pretty dark haired girl, I'll check back on her name. I thought it was awesome. OK so maybe I'm going a little soft at my age but I can still skip in a large circle with the best of them.