Sunday, July 23, 2006

Something new and blue

Have you ever put a knitting project in "knitter's jail" ? Have you ever tossed it aside due to 1. several frogging sessions 2. total lack of skill needed to complete 3. just being plain cranky and losing patience to the point of boredom.. Well this was my Knitting Olympic project. Slightly like Michele Chen (? is that her name? the iceskater that dropped out before starting???) . Yup, that was me. Started out gung ho. Frogged this thing 5 times and just could not understand what I was doing wrong. So it's been sitting since feb. in a pile. in my yarn closet. all alone. still messed up. I couldn't even bring myself to frogging it the last time. See, the pattern calls for an increase at the beginning of each row. Cool. know how to do that. But then the written directions tell you to cont. in patt. Well, up until a month or so ago, I wasn't very good at that. Now, well, I learned something. All by myself.. I learned how to look at the stitches and see the pattern, and, voila, finished shoulder cozy. easy peasey. Those cool shades... New.. I needed to treat myself this week, so, yup, Chanel. My credit card is still smoking.. But H said, Buy yourself something nice. Um, men need to learn to add, "within reason" to that. However, the week and news I got this week, well deserved buy. The yarn I used for this is Debbie Bliss super chunky cashmerino. Very soft, and I bought it on ebay for a decent price. I also decided to show off the shawl I made last year.. I used colinette giotto.. I tried to sell it at a couple of the craft fairs but no one wants to pay what it's worth. People want pretty things but they want them on the cheap. If you've ever bought Colinette, it's not cheap!!! This wrap is also very long in the back. So, it's mine now, which is ok by me. I love pretty things. So next week return of Free Recipe Sunday. I promise, I wanted to post some knitting stuff today. Besides, it's too hot to cook..

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