Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I have made a resolution to try to be better at keeping up with my blog posts. I have been busy over at Etsy and just joined ETSYNJ.....Yeah!!!! Jersey representing :)

Some very talented artisians living in my home state. I tried to cook Indian food last't come out too great. I followed a Nigella Lawson recipe~this is the second time I made it, but it came out too runny. I don't know how because it had heavy cream and yogurt in it. So my husband suggested using one of the (um-6 ) traditional Indian cook books I have in my collection. Including my great gift from my sister in law----Padma Laksmi's new cook book. Ok, if you don't know it yet I am addicted to Top Chef and Project Runway. So the next indian meal I try to cook I will post pics here and report back on my progress. Speaking of progress.... I was catching up on the Project Runways as I was couch potatoeing it this weekend and caught season 2 during fashion week. Chloe had a gorgeous dress that was beautiful forrest green with pink~ it inspired me to make a shrug in those I'm including pic of my latest, named Chloe after the person who inspired it :) I've included link so you can check it out in my shop....

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