OK so my Thanksgiving day post is late, sorry, but I am truly thankful. I'm thankful that I have a wonderful mom. My dad, he's a confused little camper, so I forgive him for being what he can't help but be. I'm thankful for the world's BEST husband. He is the sunshine in my life and I love him with all my heart. I am thankful for a sister who has found sobriety in her life and I finally get my sister back. I am thankful for wonderful grandparents. Grandmom K. is the only one still here, and she's in florida. But I wanted to post this pic of my other Gram. I lost her last year on Christmas eve. We called her Gramom Goodie, she was always baking. She made the BEST pie crust I have ever tasted. She taught me how to make rugelah, pirogies amongst other of her specialties. I miss her every day.....This pic is from 1939!!!!!!!!!
Where have I been? Felllltttttiiinggg. Ugh, I don't know what the problem is but my washer does NOT want to felt. Some of these pieces have been through 4 (50min) cycles. Is this unusual? They are still not completely felted. First I thought maybe too much water, um no, my washing machine maybe doesn;t use enough water. It's a calypso so it does not have the center agitator. I think the water does not get hot enough. I have it on hot wash/cold rinse but it's not working. Then I decreased the other objects from 4 pairs of jeans to 1 pair of jeans and a shirt as company. Nope, still not working. But this does not stop me from continuing to knit bags to be felted. I will not give up hope!I have also been teaching alot of yoga classes. I started subbing at a local studio, oh this is nice.... Such a different atmosphere from the gym, I love it. I taught there sat, sun and today. I also taugh mon at the gym and I am teaching tonight at the gym. Phew, I will sleep good tonight. I feel good.... Lots of yoga makes me a happy(knit:)