I have been neglecting this blog for hmmm...a little bit over a year now. I have been a busy girl. Just wanted to share the *biggest* highlight of last year with you. I completed my first triathlon. It was awesome and I am already registered for this year!
I trained with 2 awesome coaches and the MOST fabulous group of women EVER! It was the first tri for most of us and I would not have been able to do it without all of them!
This was the smile on my face as soon as I finished the swim. I could not stop giggling! I knew I was in shape, and had complete faith that I was trained and going to finish!
Coach Anna had champagne at the finish line for us!
My niece Sam had this awesome sign as I approached the finish line!

Oh and one more (well actually 2 more) awesome things..The new babies. Olive

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