Welcome Dear Friends!
I am so sorry to be late to the party! I"m so happy you stopped by to visit me and see my creative studio space.
It is a work in progress. And I decided to take the pictures of it exactly how it appears on a daily basis. A little disorganized, but It works for me.
I love to be surrounded by beautiful vintage items. I also will keep a piece that I am working on, displayed on the mannequin until I find the perfect finishing accent for it.
I find this really helps my creative process, although I have learned to limit it to 1 or 2 pieces only :) I have a little "nook" to sit and
knit, but most of my knitting is done (confession here) in front of the tv. As a matter of fact, I really can't watch tv unless I am knitting!
I usually do my hand sewing in this lovely space, early in the morning while the birds are chirping with a nice big cup of coffee.
My desk has lots of inspiring items on it! 

I also created a mood board,
suggested by my neigbour Donna. Who is a creative genius and has helped me so much in my journey! I try to change the board periodically, especially when I am stuck.
I have a huge collection of vintage buttons that I have some of the prettiest ones displayed.
When my customers come over to shop,
they can pick and choose what buttons they
would like on their pieces.
Alot of the buttons are in the vintage cotainers they were discovered at the market in. Also stunning bits of lace and trims that were a gift from Donna :)