The peace tote is finished! phew! That was alot of work. I don't think I'm a big fan of the intarsia thing. Weaving in those ends seemed to take forever. I am thinking I may want to felt the bag additionally, what do you think??? I think it can shrink a little more. I stuffed about 10 balls of yarn in it in this pic. It's wrinkly also. I dried it over the back of one of my kitchen chairs, because I did not have enough plastic bags to fill it. So I guess I'm slightly disappointed.
What a day today was. I was going out to the post office and I forgot my husband's truck was behind me and CRASH. Yup cracked up the bag of my little car. Pretty badly. Oy. Put a nice big crack and dent in his car. My head was just not in the moment. A million thoughts swirling around. Yet another reason to start meditating again. So I had taken the day off of work for some doctor related stuff, and I took a 2 hour nap. My body is telling me to slow down. My husband is telling me to slow down. I think I am, but I guess not enough. I need a vacation, yeah, that's it. A month or so in the Carribean would help me slow down. HAHA HA. No pressure no problem mon. better start playing the lottery.