Happy Halloween!!! My favorite holiday because my husband and I had our first kiss (sigh). Dressing up for work, usually I am a witch (hmmm...) This year I am dressing up as a "mod" chick. Bought more yarn at AC moore yesterday, help I need acrylics anonymous. I am running out of containers and space for this stuff. Time to clean some crap out of the basement. MOst of it is for the next craft fair Janet and I are doing. I'm hopping it's a good one, so I have money to buys lots of clothing in India. Wore the beautiful Sari to wedding this past weekend, but I have no pics because we were rushing and we forgot the camera. I am in a bit of trouble because I have never seen a sari or punjabi suit that I didn't like. Look out India, I'm coming with 2 outfits and having all my clothes made. This is a girls dream!!!!!!!!! Having some problems with the herringbone poncho. Yarn broke and I am afraid to frog out the row you can see problem at top right side. If I ignore it there will be a hole and I will not be happy